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preventing a dead battery

  • How does the Battery Programmable Brain (“BPB”) work?
    The “BPB” is attached to a vehicle’s battery and disconnects the load from the battery when it detects a voltage level of 11.8 [V] (default), thereby saving sufficient energy in the battery to restart the vehicle when needed. This means that if you mistakenly leave the lights or radio on, or there is an unknown short in the electrical system and or a parasitic draw, BPB makes sure that your car will start. (This is a simplified explanation, for an extensive explanation see page “###”)
  • How long it takes for the Battery Programmable Brain to disconnect?
    When The BPB it detects a voltage drop under 11.8 [V] (default) it will start a 30 seconds (default) countdown to disconnect. The BPB will not disconnect the load from the vehicle battery while the engine is in normal operation (only if the supplied “Engine On wire” is connected properly).
  • How can the Battery Programmable Brain help prevent your car from being stolen?
    BPB can also disconnect the battery on demand simply by pushing a button, providing an anti-theft device when leaving the vehicle; the vehicle cannot be started or hot-wired when the battery is disconnected from the electrical system. There will be no energy source to start the engine. Only the driver can reset the load by pressing the remote control button or by pressing the push button (older versions also have manual reset knob on top of the BB unit).
  • Will the Battery Programmable Brain disconnect alarm devices?
    If you don’t use the bypass feature than yes but In general, if the battery completely drains, the alarm or the other accessories will not work anyway. By installing BPB, you can prevent this from happening. Any accessory, such as clocks, alarms, radar, computers, memory settings or any similar devices can be connected directly to the positive post of the BPB. There is a special connector on the BPB so that the alarm or other accessories will still be energized.
  • What is the energy consumption of the Battery Programmable Brain?
    The Battery Programmable Brain uses 100 Micro Ampere during normal operation; after disconnecting the load from the battery, the consumption for type [IV] is10 Micro [Amp] (next to zero) and for BPB remote is 3 Milli [Amp].
  • What is the difference between the Battery Programmable Brain and other similar devices?
    The major differences between BPB and other battery switches and LVD’s are… None of the LVD's that we have seen and checked on line hold these unique package of capabilities (for the unique capabilities of the BPB see page “BPB capabilities”). None of them are programmable. None of them monitors the battery's health and can take corrective and adjustable response. None of them monitors the ambient temperature and take corrective action to compensate the decrease in the battery’s performance which occurs in cold temperatures. None of them have claims to resist water penetration, the BPB does. Most of them are manual battery switches and the BPB is a manual and automatic battery switch. Most of them are not build to withstand the high current consumption of a starting battery upon ignition. Most of them are not as robust and build to withstand the very harsh environment conditions of heat, vibrations, corrosive, moisture and even water penetration. The BPB does it all! BPB disconnects all electrical connections other than the ones you desire to leave on. (Those have to be wired directly from the fuse box to the butterfly connector on the BPB). Other products are also too complicated and difficult to install. BPB is small (1 3/4" X 2 1/8" X 2”) and in most cases installation takes no more than a few minutes: it attaches directly onto the vehicle’s battery and it is a “do it yourself” installation. BY-PASS Functionality - The Battery Programmable Brain is the only device that has the ability to by-pass itself when needed, such as in the event that there is no charge and the driver wants to use the remaining energy of the battery to get to a safe place or the nearest service station.
  • What type of vehicles can use the Battery Programmable Brain?
    All types of vehicles, from passenger cars to light trucks to heavy trucks, buses, tractors, RV's, motorcycles, boats, handicap vehicles or any other vehicles that rely on batteries.
  • What is the life expectancy of the Battery Programmable Brain?
    The BPB employs state of the art technology that will last for many years. The BPB is bound by a Manufacturer's warranty for two years and the product is covered by product liability insurance.
  • Can the driver disconnect the car battery when he wants to?
    Yes, by using BPB, the driver can disconnect the load from the battery, using the remote control or by pressing the push button (depending on the model type) whenever he chooses to do so. For example: In dark places you can light the way or shut the lights off from a distance using the remote control (model type lll). When not using the car for an extended period of time (vacation etc.) disconnect the battery by pressing a button.
  • Is it difficult to install the BPB in an RV?
    No, it’s actually a very easy device to install - you can connect it directly to your battery without any complicated procedures. You don’t need a mechanic to install it either.
  • Will the BPB prevent my RV from being stolen?
    It’s impossible to guarantee that your RV won’t be stolen. However, You can isolate the engine from the electrical circuit whenever you park. That means a thief can’t hotwire your RV easily and it makes it much less likely that it will be stolen. The BPB should be used in conjunction with all other theft prevention methods you currently use.
  • How does the BPB protect the batteries in my RV?
    Batteries cannot be discharged on a regular basis in an RV. If they are, then the battery quickly becomes damaged beyond repair. By ensuring that there is always power in the battery, the BPB makes sure that you don’t have to replace your batteries as often. ​
  • Can I make sure that some items such as my alarm system aren’t cut off from the battery?
    Yes, you can. It’s simply a matter of connecting the electrical system from that circuit to the positive side of the BPB. We would advise you that you do not connect too many systems in that way, though, as they will place a higher level of drain on the battery. We think it is a good idea to ensure your RV’s alarm still functions even when the electrical circuit is isolated by the BPB.
  • I’ve seen other products that claim to protect my car battery - why should I choose the BPB as my car battery protector?
    The major differences between BPB and other battery switches and LVD’s … None of the LVD's that we have seen and checked on line hold these unique package of capabilities (SEE BPB capabilities page). None of them are programmable. None of them monitors the battery's health and can take corrective and adjustable response. None of them monitors the ambient temperature and take corrective action to compensate the decrease in the battery’s performance which occurs in cold temperatures. None of them have claims to resist water penetration (see video of BPB submerged under water). Most of them are manual battery switches. Most of them are not build to withstand the high current consumption of a starting battery upon ignition. Most of them are not as robust and build to withstand the very harsh environment conditions of heat, vibrations, corrosive, moisture and even water penetration.
  • What other benefits does the BPB have for a car driver?
    BPB ensures the vehicle always has enough power to start BPB eliminates vehicle downtime due to dead batteries BPB prolongs battery life performance BPB reduces maintenance and battery replacement costs BPB saves the driver and passengers from being stranded BPB is a cost effective solution and reduces towing and repair costs. BPB has a high return on investment: You can't return time that is lost when you are waiting for help to get your vehicle or boat started You will save on the cost of being rescued You will have peace of mind that you will not be stranded because of a dead battery You will save on the costs of replacing a battery as often You will have the added value of prolonging the battery's life span​
  • Will the BPB help improve the battery life of my car battery?
    We’re happy to say that it will. We’ve found that by keeping the battery in a permanently charged state, car batteries last approximately 50% longer than usual. A side benefit of that is that it’s green too – you dispose of fewer batteries and keep the environment safer as a result.
  • How will the BPB help with my motorcycle?
    By connecting the BPB to your motorcycle’s battery, you will be certain that you’ll always have the power to get it started (especially if you are a weekend user). That means you shouldn’t ever find yourself in an isolated space and unable to start your motorcycle (due to a dead battery). This will save on call out charges for repair and, importantly, it saves your time, too.
  • Can the BPB help prevent my bike from being stolen?
    Yes, it can. You can isolate the engine from the electrical circuit whenever you park. That means a thief can’t hotwire your bike easily and it makes it much less likely that it will be stolen. Of course we don’t recommend BPB as an alternative to locks and chains - it should be used in conjunction with all the other normal precautions you take to protect your motorcycle.
  • Is the BPB environmentally friendly?
    We’re happy to confirm that it’s a very environmentally friendly product. When a battery goes dead, it needs to be disposed of and that process isn’t very kind to the environment. Dead batteries are often caused by regular complete discharges of the battery; the BPB stops the battery from being exhausted and thus ensures that it will last longer.
  • Does the BPB disconnect all the electrical systems on the truck? What about the alarm system?
    It depends how you set up the BPB. If you want to ensure that your alarm system remains powered, you can connect it to the positive side of the BPB unit; in that instance, the BPB will cut power to all the other electrical systems but not the alarm. We’ve found that this is very important to trucks that are carrying high value cargo.
  • Doesn’t the BPB consume power while it’s running?
    Yes, it does. However it only consumes a very low level of power and once it isolates the system, it consumes next to no power. The BPB would have to be running for a very long time in this mode to significantly affect the charge in the battery.
  • Can the BPB help protect trucks from being stolen too?
    Yes, it can. You can isolate the engine from the electrical circuit whenever you park. That means a thief can’t hotwire your truck easily and it makes it much less likely that it will be stolen. Of course we don’t recommend BPB as an alternative to conventional anti-theft - it should be used in conjunction with all the other normal precautions you take to protect your truck.
  • Is it true that the BPB will extend the battery life of the batteries in my boat?
    Yes, the BPB works by ensuring that your batteries are never completely discharged. We’ve found that this can extend the battery life of the batteries in your boat by up to 50%. That’s good for the environment as well as the wallet.
  • Do I need special training to install the BPB in my boat?
    No, it’s very easy to install the BPB and it comes with complete instructions so that you can do it yourself. There’s no need to call a mechanic to do it for you. ​
  • How will the BPB help at sea?
    The BPB makes certain that your boat always has enough battery power to start. That means you should never find yourself unable to get back to shore after a day’s fishing or drifting. We’ve found that boat owners appreciate the money that can be saved when they are able to avoid calling for expensive and time-consuming assistance at sea for a flat battery. ​
  • What about when my boat is docked?
    Many boat owners find they are irregular users of their boat and their boat may stay at the dock for a long while between uses. The BPB ensures that the battery is protected during this period of inactivity, too. That means that when the owner is ready to enjoy their boat, he or she doesn’t need to spend time replacing the batteries before getting underway.



STRS Energy, Inc.

Stuart, FL, 34997

2766 S.E Garden Street, Stuart, US-FL 34997, USA

BatteryProgrammableBrain © 2017 by STRS Energy Inc.

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